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ClothesPetals offers you the gift of time, confidence, and long-term financial savings—why fill your closet with clothes that you’ll only wear once? I stress the importance of quality, and longevity. Every single piece in your closet will have earned its way there. 

And, beyond the tangible benefits, the true value lies in the newfound freedom to focus on what truly matters and the empowerment to make a lasting impression on the world.

By working with me, I'm saving you from the overwhelming and often frustrating process of trial and error when it comes to style choices.

let's get started

I'm here to help both men and women, from diverse backgrounds, who want to enhance your self-expression and cultivate a unique style that resonates with your inner selves. I believe that style is more than just clothing; it's a powerful tool for self-discovery and self-presentation. I'm dedicated to helping you explore and articulate your personal style, aligning it with your aspirations and creating a visual language that speaks volumes about who you are and what you stand for.

Through my services, I provide personalized fashion styling that goes beyond just picking out clothes. I carefully listen to you, understand your personality, lifestyles, and goals. By curating outfits that reflect your authentic selves and the messages you want to convey, I enable you to step confidently into your chosen roles and express yourself authentically to the world.

My approach is rooted in creativity and storytelling. I draw inspiration from various sources, because all of life’s moments should be treated like special events, I also offer guidance on accessorizing, grooming, and overall presentation to complete the picture. In essence, my services are about transformation – not just in appearance but in self-perception and confidence. I aim to you feel feel seen, celebrated, and empowered through the transformative power of style. I'm here to create a positive impact, helping you radiate your true self and make a memorable impression wherever you go.

At its core, ClothesPetals exists to empower you to embrace your authenticity and confidence through the art of fashion. 

Styling by Tahirah

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Investment starting at $450

For those with a busy schedule–These services focus on providing quick and efficient style advice and recommendations, catering to those who require immediate assistance or prefer shorter sessions, all from the comfort of your computer.

Virtual Styling

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Investment starting at $1200

These services offer personalized styling experiences tailored to your individual needs. Whether you're seeking inspiration for your everyday outfits or need assistance in creating the perfect look for a photo shoot, these packages provide comprehensive guidance and creative direction.

Personalized Styling

inquire today

Investment starting at $250/person

This category caters to the desire for a shared styling and shopping experience. Ideal for friends or colleagues, these services offer a fun and interactive environments in luxury settings, where large groups can explore fashion together with the guidance of expert stylists. Perfect for your next networking session, or ideal for VIP clients. 

Private Showcases & Events

Simone R.

ClothesPetals is a beautifully constructed, multifaceted business. Tahirah was extremely helpful as she took me step by step through both the creative and logistical process. My business is now in a great place to drive traffic, build community, and provide the proper resources outlets.

A beautifully constructed, multifaceted business.

book your consultation now

You’ll receive an initial Questionnaire to assess your lifestyle, style goals, and body type–Then, the magic happens! 

Let's Get Started

step three

We determine the package best for you. Add a little bit here to make this step as long as step one and step two.

Your Best Fit

step two

Set up a free consultation call, and I’ll reach out with a scheduling link so we can set up a virtual or phone call!

Let's Chat

step ONE

Have a question?

Yes! Please inquire about our Concierge Packages if you’re seeking year-round support!

Do you offer ongoing styling support?


Do you offer virtual styling services?

Yes; travel fees are added if outside of the County.

I’m not in LA. Do you travel?

Don’t worry! We offer returns if unsatisfied and a complimentary Style Kit to realign on Shopping Plans and Style Sessions. 

What if I don't like the outfits you select in a fitting?

 Absolutely; we base our sessions off of both. In fact, in every fitting we begin with our foundations, bra fittings and underwear.

Do you consider my body type and comfort?

If you need me! Mention your specifics in our Consultation Call to ensure availability for a stylist to be present even after fittings!

What about my big day? Will you also be there to dress me?

Yes; travel fees are added if outside of the County.

I’m not in LA. Do you travel?

That depends on your package! Our Express Style Curation Call is only 1 hour, but our Closet Cleanse is 4! 

How long does each package last?


Let's embark on a style journey that empowers you to make lasting impressions, feel comfortable in your own skin, and attract the opportunities you deserve. Become the main character of your life! Schedule your consultation now and let's make your style dreams a reality!

Unlock the power of personalized fashion styling and elevate your authentic self. 

Ready to Transform Your Style and Exude Confidence?